Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children dreams

On 4 August, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day, all Australians have the opportunity to show our support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, as well as learning about the crucial impact that culture, family and community play in the life of every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child.

This year’s theme ‘My Dreaming, My Future’ refers to the fact that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are born into stories of their family, culture, and country. They carry with them the song lines of their ancestors and culture, passed down by generations. Their Dreaming is part of our history, while their futures are their own to shape. 

TASC is funded by the Queensland Government to deliver legal advice to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families living in or around Toowoomba or Ipswich. To access this service simply visit https://www.tascnational.org.au/services/ or call 07 4616 9700 for a confidential discussion with one of our legal team.



Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training

Coinciding with NAIDOC week in the first week of July, Strategic Indigenous Awareness training was presented by Gooreng Gooreng Man, Grant Sarra to the team at TASC. The day delivered some powerful and at times confronting insights for attendees to take with them into their work and daily lives. To understand our present, we must understand our past.

Charter of Rights for parents involved with the child protection system

Interacting with the child protection system can be an intimidating experience for children, parents and carers so knowing what your rights and responsibilities are is vital.

In June Queensland launched a Charter of Rights for parents involved with the child protection system in Queensland, becoming only the second state in Australia to do so.

The Charter recognises that parents have the right to:

• Life-long relationships with their children connected to community, Country and culture

• Self-determination and autonomy over decisions that impact their children and families

• Natural justice and the time and space to respond to the concerns made about their parenting

• Support services that decrease the need for departmental intervention.

The full document is available here: https://www.cyjma.qld.gov.au/…/charter-of-rights-for…

TASC Legal and Social Justice Services offers free legal services including family law matters. As we are Government funded some eligibility criteria apply. To book an appointment or find out more please visit tascnational.org.au or phone 07 4616 9700.

Five years service awards for TASC team members

Congratulations to Principal Solicitor and Legal Services Manager, David Manwaring and Social Justice Advocate, Simone Rodgers on their 5 Years of service at TASC.  Over the past 5 years David and Simone through their roles at TASC have positively impacted the lives of many people across the community.  A hearty and well deserved thank you to you both.

NAIDOC Week 2022

Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!  The team from TASC joined the wider community on a chilly Monday at Toowoomba’s community NAIDOC Week event to celebrate and recognise the achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

Kids activities formed big part of the day and the TASC stand was no exception.  Sam and Patrick Anderson took the chance to do some colouring and have a break between looking at the other stands and activities. To welcome people to our stand we ran a raffle – with the lucky winner being Lisa Fisher. Congratulations on the win and thank you to Sam Anderson for drawing the winner.

Do you know about the Gumbi Gumbi tree?

This week TASC’s gardener, Barry planted our Gumbi Gumbi tree as part of our efforts to beautify our workplace.  Did you know the Gumbi Gumbi tree is a traditional aboriginal bush medicine from South West Queensland?  Traditionally it has been used for a wide variety of ailments including coughs, colds and eczema.  Currently there is academic interest in Gumbi Gumbi and how it is used traditionally, with a wonderful ABC article here.

Aboriginal bush medicine is part of the rich tapestry of indigenous culture, knowledge and achievements being celebrated during NAIDOC Week in the first week of July.

It’s a chance for all Australians to celebrate and learn about the oldest, continuous culture on earth and learn more about First Nations culture and history.  The team at TASC are busily putting together the final touches for their stand at this year’s Toowoomba community event being held at the Goods Shed in Victoria St on Monday 4 July and we would love it if you can join us to catch up.  NAIDOC week is a great opportunity to support and get to know your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander communities and we encourage everyone to join the activities. 

More information about NAIDOC Week can be found at www.naidoc.org.au .

We believe in a world free from torture

It is possible to stop torture. We join millions of people mobilised into direct action to stop torture. Are you with us?

Torture is to inflict on a person something that is hard to bear, causing unbearable pain or suffering, whether physical or mental. Unfortunately, torture can even happen in a family environment.

26 June is an opportunity to call on all stakeholders, civil society and individuals everywhere to unite in support of the hundreds of thousands of people around the world who have been victims of torture and those who are still tortured today.

If you live in Toowoomba, Ipswich or its immediate surroundings or know someone in those areas experiencing any form of torture, contact TASC Legal and Social Justice Services on 07 4616 9700.

To learn more about TASC visit www.tascnational.org.au

FREE Evening Legal Advice Sessions

Are you needing legal advice outside of business hours? Then TASC may be able to help you in our after hours free legal advice sessions on Monday in Toowoomba.

Make sure to book in for our next sessions to be held on: Monday, 4th July (Family Law).

All sessions from 5.30pm – 7.30pm.

Face to face or phone appointments are available.

As our evening advice sessions are staffed by volunteer solicitors with varied experience the issues we can help with will change from time to time.

Bookings are essential. Contact us on (07) 4616 9700 to enquire whether we can assist you with your issue

Healing’s the focus for 2022 Refugee Week

Over 800,000 refugees and displaced persons have settled in Australia since 1945. The success of refugee settlement on Queensland’s Darling Downs has been hailed as an example for councils around the country as refugees are helping building the cultural fabric of regional communities.

This year’s Refugee Week theme is ‘Healing’. It raises awareness of the issues affecting refugees and promotes harmony and togetherness. The importance of human connections has been underscored by the pandemic and such lessons can help us in so many ways.  Mainstream and refugee communities alike can draw upon shared hardship to heal wounds, to learn from each other and to move forward. Healing can occur through storytelling, through community and also through realisation of our intrinsic interconnectedness as individuals.

TASC National calls Queenslanders to help protect seniors from elder abuse

Growing and aging is a natural process in life. As we grow, our bodies debilitate and we not only become more exposed to develop physical and mental deterioration but also to be vulnerable to abuse by someone we know. A family member or a friend can steal our money, threaten us to move out of our house or place us into a nursing home, hit us producing bodily injury, physical pain, or impairment, force us to have sex, cause us distress through verbal or non-verbal acts, neglect or even abandon us.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is commemorated each year on 15 June to highlight one of the worst manifestations of ageism and inequality in our society, elder abuse..

It’s time for us to acknowledge their importance and recognise they are entitled to the respect of their communities and especially their families.

If you live in Toowoomba and Ipswich or immediate surrounds or know someone in those areas who is experiencing any form of abuse you can contact TASC Legal and Social Justice Services on 07 4616 9700.

To learn more about TASC or to make a tax deductible donation, visit www.tascnational.org.au and click SUPPORT US!

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