TASC National calls Queenslanders to help protect seniors from elder abuse

Growing and aging is a natural process in life. As we grow, our bodies debilitate and we not only become more exposed to develop physical and mental deterioration but also to be vulnerable to abuse by someone we know. A family member or a friend can steal our money, threaten us to move out of our house or place us into a nursing home, hit us producing bodily injury, physical pain, or impairment, force us to have sex, cause us distress through verbal or non-verbal acts, neglect or even abandon us.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is commemorated each year on 15 June to highlight one of the worst manifestations of ageism and inequality in our society, elder abuse..

It’s time for us to acknowledge their importance and recognise they are entitled to the respect of their communities and especially their families.

If you live in Toowoomba and Ipswich or immediate surrounds or know someone in those areas who is experiencing any form of abuse you can contact TASC Legal and Social Justice Services on 07 4616 9700.

To learn more about TASC or to make a tax deductible donation, visit www.tascnational.org.au and click SUPPORT US!

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