Social Justice and Advocacy Services

What is Advocacy?

TASC’s social justice and advocacy services are here to help people know their rights and navigate the systems they rely on.

Advocacy is speaking, writing or acting on behalf of another person to promote, protect and preserve their legal and human rights.  TASC advocates will use these tools to help empower you, understand your rights and have your wishes and concerns considered.

It’s your choice whether an Advocate acts on your behalf or helps you to self-advocate.

Our social justice services are free for eligible people and are funded by the federal and state governments.  As such not all services are available in all regions that TASC operates – however we will endeavour to link you to another service if we can’t help.

To find out more and see if you are eligible for our services, please select the social justice service you are after from the options below.

When you’re finding things overwhelming and important decisions need to be made, we are here to help you understand your rights and empower you to take back control of your life.

Examples of what TASC can help with (depending on eligibility and location):

  • NDIS access and reviews
  • Financial advocacy
  • Appeals and tribunals
  • Abuse, neglect and violence
  • Health referrels
  • Centrelink
  • Discrimination
  • Housing and tenancy
  • Elder abuse
  • National Redress Scheme support

Due to funding limitations, not all services are available in all regions that TASC operates – however we will endeavour to link you to another service if we can’t help.

If you are not sure if we can help you please contact our team on
(07) 4616 9700 to find out more.

Book an advocacy intake

Please fill out and submit this form to book a call back from one of our Social Justice intake team

What Our Clients Say

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