Community impact the focus for TASC

TASC’s Social Justice team had the chance to discuss the impact their programs are having in Southern Queensland communities earlier this week when senior members of QLD’s Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships visited our Toowoomba office.

Deputy Director General, Max Wise and Director of Specialist Programs Lauren McFarlane were given an overview of our services, with an emphasis on TASC’s disability advocacy and Seniors Legal and Support Services (SLASS).

TASC’s SLASS service exists to help older people who are at risk of or experiencing elder abuse – which it’s estimated affects almost 1 in 6 Australians aged over 65.

Each year our disability advocacy services help hundreds of people living with a disability to enforce and maintain their human rights.

Pictured are Max Wise and Kym Allen with (seated) Lauren McFarlane, Frances Klaassen and Gail Reardon.

TASC receives funding from the QLD Government to provide legal services and disability advocacy to communities in parts of Queensland.   Please visit for more information about our advocacy and legal services.

Fathers Day

This Sunday, many Australian men will wake up to handmade cards, craft and, maybe, a new electronic gadget. But beyond the traditional BBQ celebration, it’s a time to acknowledge the role of fathers in our society.

Fatherly love helps us develop a sense of our place in the world, which helps our social, emotional and cognitive development and functioning. In fact, children who receive more love from their fathers are less likely to struggle with behavioral or substance abuse problems. Research has shown that children who spend quality time with their fathers are 80% less likely to be incarcerated or engage in criminal activities.

Our team at TASC help men with family law issues, such as parenting, property settlements and divorce. Our goal is to help them maintain happy, healthy and meaningful involvement in their children’s lives. If you live in Toowoomba, Ipswich or South West Queensland or know men in those areas who are experiencing family law issues, contact TASC Legal and Social Justice Services on 07 4616 9700.


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