Wear it purple day at TASC

🌈💜 Today is Wear It Purple Day, and at TASC we stand in solidarity with our LGBTQIA+ youth and community, highlighting the intrinsic human rights everyone deserves.

At TASC we believe in a world where everyone can proudly express who they are, free from discrimination. Celebrating diversity goes hand in hand with promoting well-being, and challenging any form of injustice. By wearing purple, we’re not just adding a splash of colour for the day; we’re demonstrating our commitment to equality, dignity, and a life free from prejudice.

Remember, you are valued, your rights are recognised, and your well-being is paramount. 

Together, let’s champion a brighter, inclusive future for all. 💜🌈

#StandingUpForHumanRights #HumanRightsForAll #CommunityPride #NoToDiscrimination.

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