TASC Attends CLCA Conference

Our CEO, Frances Klaassen, and Legal Services Manager, David Manwaring attended the National Community Legal Centres Australia (CLCs) Conference in Hobart last week.

This conference is celebrating 50 years connecting Community Legal Centres in eight states and community legal sector peak bodies. The Conference’s theme for this year was “Reconnect and Reimagine” the justice landscape.

Frances and David took the opportunity to connect with colleagues in Community Legal Centres from across Australia attending presentations to explore creative new opportunities for integrated models of service delivery, cyber security risk management, building strong safe workplaces. They also discussed the how and why of the role of governance and leadership in creating a thriving workplace.

A  key take away was Bob Brown’s, Australian Politician founder of The Bob Brown Foundation, definition of the word justice as “everyone’s right to optimism. “ Hope is no good without  action – our job is to change reality.  Our community will come with us to do this if we give them the opportunity”. “Thank you Bob for reminding us that social change requires action and that is what we at TASC are here for”, Frances said.

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